Hello there. My name is Reverie Bizarre and I'm an aspiring writer and game developer. If you'd like to know anything else, feel free to drop me a message. Also, in case you've seen me around the BBS in the past, I apologize for the person I used to be.

Reverie Bizarre @zag

Age 33

Smutty Game Dev

OCC (Syracuse) drop-out

Syracuse, New York

Joined on 2/1/04

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I too was eager to move out right after high school. I learned many valuable lessons through hardships and poor planning...depleted of all cash I had saved and earned. Through misery, in both love and lifestyle, the experience changed me...luckily I had the option to fall back home, abandoning my lease.

New York City is pretty high rent. It will be a valuable lesson in life, ESPECIALLY the test of living with your loved one for an extended amount of time (it's the ultimate test in a relationship) But I fear that with choking bills and insufficient income or economic balancing, you will be doomed to fail. Just prepare for that, and always have a backup plan so you don't wind up on the streets.

tl:dr, you will fail expensively, but you'll ultimately change because of it.

thank you very much for your advice. I imagine it's the most sound I'll hear on the subject.
but truth be told, I was ready to kill myself earlier. I had the bleach and ammonia in my cart. now, this isn't an "I'm emo and want to die" scenario... I'll admit. I'm more than a little depressed. why shouldn't I be? life is shit.
however, I am bored and this world seems to have little to offer me. I'm a broken, worthless being and I'm done playing the game.
so why not head out to a city and see how long I can survive?
I'm going to attempt using couchsurfing to stay off of the street. how long will that work? I haven't the vaguest idea.
however, whatever happens, happens. if nothing else, the experience will be interesting. maybe I'll appreciate the life that I'm currently too stupid and selfish to understand.
but we'll see, won't we?

Kupo, that sounds like a tough adventure. I wouldn't recommend it with that amount of currency.

thanks for the advice...
I think I'll chance it though :)

Well... I think you should save more money.

Have you guys checked out any places to live yet?

neither of us have an income.
besides, it doesn't really matter one way or the other.
we just don't have anything better to do.

get more g's than move :/

eh... we're waiting for Rainy to finish one extra semester so we'll be saving up for a little longer.
not much though.

I saw Rainy's boobs on that weird black site that has all those fetishes and such. I was not disappointed.

XD I'm glad you liked them :P
that is why I originally linked you to the site afterall.


that, and all of the buttsex of course :D

Well...whatever you two kids do, please be safe and take care of each other. And drink plenty of water.

I already drink lots of water :P
we'll frequent fountains.

That sounds like a brilliant idea.

no it doesn't! :D

My opinion would not be constructive. I have chosen to withhold it. I do not think 1,100 and New York go well together though.

most definitely not...
we'll probably be killed and/or abducted and sold into the slave trade :P


advice taken...

*becomes drug dealer*

^ or take other peoples stuff and run

drug dealer... check!
thief... check!
prostitute.... check!

I think I'm good to go now ^.^


internet cafes my friend... internet cafes ;)
I won't be able to do much internetting from our van :P

and yes! I just used "internetting" as a verb!


hard to spam a phone without a number XD
and I'll probably just bring my laptop (which hopefully won't get jacked) into McDonald's/Starbucks.
I can't exist without the internet... I feed off of the attention of Newgrounders.

plus, where would I look at porn :(

Hey I don't mean to interlope and interupt the actual subject matter of this but who's This Rainy person both you and Steelchair are refering to ? you don't have to link me to any porn of her I'm not a major perv and I give my respects.
But I wonder ... Is there even a place in new york somewhere that half of that like in a country side?

Rainy is my lover/half-sister ^.^
if you do want to see her naked, just ask XD seriously... neither of us care.
as for your second question, the phrasing is a lot odd. however, I think you're asking if there's a place in New York State that's more rural... and yes. I once lived in a place called Chittenango. actually, that's where Rainy grew up. to give you a better idea of what it's like there, it's where Frank Baulm (spelling?) lived for a while. he was the writer of The Wizard of Oz. thus, the entire town is themed after the Wizard of Oz XD they even have an annual "Ozfest" where they celebrate it. people dress up and everything.

I absolutely HATE rural areas... the more urban the city, the better.
why? because there's more to do. there's always more selection in a more industrial area. New York City is as good as it gets.


what for this time?

Reason for ban: I think you've spammed the BBS enough for today, bro. Would it be a futile request to ask you to tone down the spam after your ban expires...? NEVR

how long was the ban for? u.u

Well I guess a little peek wouldn't hurt... Do you have any still images of her?


XD I knew you couldn't resist :P
this is her fetlife.

So, um :

Are you bi, lesbian, or pansexual now? o(_O

I'm just curious...

I'm more or less bisexual...
I have a preference toward males because frankly, I like to be fucked and females don't have the proper anatomy.

Get more money, don't be stupid.

who asked for your opinion!

...besides me XD

Pinkamena=Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Cupcakes=The highly controversial fan-fic in which Pinkie Pie invites Rainbow Dash to help make cupcakes. Rainbow dash agrees, but then finds out she's the key ingredient. The fan-fic graphically describes Pinkie Pie mutilating/torturing Rainbow Dash. I myself have never read it, but I really don't want to either.

oh, yeah... a friend mentioned that earlier ^.^
I thought it sounded really kool.
I've never heard anyone refer to Pinky-pie as Pinkamena either... where did that come from? I'm not quite as big an MLP fan as many of the people here.

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