truth be told, this probably isn't the greatest time to make a new news post. it's almost seven AM and I'm exhausted. that having been said, I'm inspired so I'm making one anyway.
unfortunately, this is interactive and I have so few people posting so it probably won't be much fun...
even so, I have a question to ask, even if it is heard by no one.
What is evil?
in your opinion, make makes any particular person, act or circumstance evil?
does it have anything to do with the seven deadly sins and their connection to the human heart? is incest evil because it is somehow lustful? is murder evil for greed or wrath rather than the sanctity of a human life?
of course not... but tell me then. what is evil and why?
emotional answers will suffice but I'd rather see logic to be honest.
Evil is merely a perception made by man/god. In one society, an evil act is completely acceptable and good to another. Of course, in most societies, murder is considered an evil act.
In truth, morality was developed so a society can live.
I like your answer :)
it certainly holds more depth than most of the answers I was expecting to receive on Newgrounds
thank you for contributing.